Hey Chris! It's looking good. I think you could push the values a bit further, like when you really zoom out and look at the piece as a whole, the face and horns don't really stand out they kinda just merge into the background while the hand in the front and torso part stand out a bit more because of the contrast with the rest of the painting. You could maybe make the darks and white in the eyes more intense. Remember if you have a strong back light don't forget to add in the rim lights and cast shadows for the character as well as the environment it can really add interest to a painting.

Also check out these two links if you haven't already, they're pretty helpful. Hope my critique helps, good luck! :smile:

Hey thanks a lot, friepotatocake. Love the name btw
The critique is very much appreciated, and I will most definitely take a break and read through those articles post haste.

I've since added some colour to the piece, and I think I may have corrected some of the issues that you mentioned regarding the values. Haven't got around to the eyes yet though hehe.

Man are you sure you should still be competing in the amateur league? I think it's time you challenged yourself. If you want to be a professional illustrator then your going to have to learn how to compete with those creating professional work. Your going to have to do it anyways so today might as well be the day, let those around you push your work further, be the weakest link in your group it helps you develop much faster because there pulling you all the more further. But enough of this inspirational jazz lets get right into this shall we?

Texture and Rendering

  • Now like usual I'm low on time so I'm going to make this brief like boxers. Texture is one of your strong points you need to play to your strengths in competition while also adding an element of unique-ness. You did very well with the texture on the skull but comparing the skull the rest of the body it looks like you got a little tired and didn't feel like putting in the same effort. make sure you're following through with the same quality through out the piece. for example the left hand looks very un-renderd I'd fix up a bit, you have the skill to do so. This critique isn't about a lack of skill on your part it's on the lack of effort finishing out a piece... a problem many artist have including myself.

(I wish you the best on your artist journey and in this piece and always remember FINISH STRONG!)

Exofley, Signing out.

First off let me say a brief but very appreciative thanks for those opening words. Secondly, thanks again haha. Third if it weren't for the rules stating only artists who make a living off of their art are eligible to enter in the Pro League, you would definitely have convinced me to do so. But you are totally right, I will definitely aim to challenge myself more, enter some professional level competitions, whatever I can find, I'm not really sure where to start looking haha.

For real though, whenever I see your critiques I always know I'm in for an in depth, but concise analysis of the picture, and they are tremendously helpful, so thank you again for that! I am most definitely going to be mindful of keeping that quality throughout the piece.

No problem man I really love your work it's simply amazing, don't sell yourself short and keep up the great work!

I think you should try to go even harder on the rim light. It'll probably help define the shapes of his upper body even more.

It also seems that you're going for a sort of oozy quality for the melted part of him. Consider replicating a little of what you can see on this artwork from Hearthstone. Your style is very different, so I don't think it's smart to try and copy it, but I think studying how they've used light can be beneficial in defining shapes and textures, especially on his lower body, where the values are very close to each other.

I think what I like the most is his expression, pose and the colour palette surrounding his face. The red blue and red on his upper body works really well together. I also think the transition from torso to his lower body is especially good, you've definitely nailed the, sort of, melting strings, between his body parts. Good job.