Hey it's always cool to learn new information. Especially when it inspires topics or subjects you may have not known about before. :+1:

12 days later

Hello friends, I'm here for my weekly art progress update.

01/21/24 - 01/27/24

Watch "Nude Figure Drawing" - My week started with watching the nude figure lecture and presentation. It helped me learn about action lines, joints, body sections as well as basic perspective when trying to display motion in a drawing. For me trying to display the correct perspective for certain figures is still really hard because it's something I've never really done before, but I hope that this is a skill I can work on over the next few weeks.

Daily Visual Communication - This practice has been helping me notice and take into consideration a bit more of what objects are shaped as in my environments. Throughout the week I don't get out too much since I'm trapped in a office or working from home but for my daily exercise I will notice my surroundings and try to picture what shapes these things could be made out of.

Daily Photoshop Digital Prod 1 - These exercises have been becoming a lot easier the more I do them my lines are becoming a bit more calm and relaxed and I am able to fit lines together a lot more than I was before. I still struggle a lot with making complete circles though.

Daily Nude Figure Drawing 1-3 - The past few days I've been starting working on daily nude figure drawings. I've been having fun working on getting my lines, joints, and body sections correct with the enhanced stickman model.

I think I still have a little bit of trouble getting some of the correct hip locations in their right place but I think in time I'll get it down. as I mentioned before I'm still really struggling with my perspective when it comes to placing cylinder shapes to show motion of a figure. In general I really struggle with creating circles and grasping how to draw that shape into the correct the correct perspective for the viewer so I'm a little bit dissatisfied on that part of it.

Digital Production Assignment 3 - This assignment was pretty fun I enjoyed trying to match the colors of things that I cut out from other images. Though it's still a little hard to get the color balancing correct in some instances.

Digital Production Assignment 4 - Learning about all the different methods that can be used to alter or adjust a images was insightful. I have a tiny bit of knowledge with photoshop due to making fight stick images in the past a bit but, I've never used it in this sense so it was neat to learn about the multiple different methods that can be used.

I struggled a little bit when it came to using the liquify method since I couldn't quite get the hang of getting things to match together but I think I did a pretty decent job with it.

Apples Burn / Heal -

Liquify -

You've been busy! Keep at it and you'll see more about it in the coming lessons, for now it's about getting into the habits and comfortable with the tools and processes.

I definitely will, I'm excited to keep learning and becoming familiar with these new skills.

13 days later

Hello friends, Here is a update of my progress recently. I took a small break last week due to some events I was interested in and I don't think I would be able to concentrate the way I would of liked to for my studies but I am back in it with what I've completed recently.

02/03/24 - 02/10/24

Daily Visual Communication - These practices everyday are continuing to go well. I am able to put sort out environments and objects into shapes and objects that I could possibly draw.

Daily Pen Control Practice - This week introduced new drawing practices that I have been working through some of them have been taking some getting used to but I think over time I'll warm up to them and progress through it easier.

Daily Nude Figure Drawing 1-3 - These practices have become easier as the week has gone by. I've noticed my cylinder shapes have been improving which I normally really suck at making lol. I'm still pretty awful at drawing them in other perspectives without a guide though but I'm sure in time it'll improve.

Daily Nude Figure Drawing 6 - When I first started these it was really daunting to me because when I draw things naturally I really try and take in all the detail and add what I can to make it appear as close to it as I can. These practices throw that mindset out the window but instead have you trying your best to capture the figure and capturing it in a short amount of time. So to say I struggled with these for a while would be a understatement but I think I'm slowly improving with it somewhat.

Line art Studies - This was a fun change of pace from the daily exercises but when I had to sit down and decide what to draw I was kinda met with indecisiveness because there's so much I would of liked to draw that and my current skill level I think I would of struggled trying to draw a lot of the characters/works that I was planning to work on. Maybe later on in the terms I will be able to draw those characters too. :smile:

Guitaroo Man -

Demi-Fiend -

Beat -

Brave Fencer Musashi -

Makoto Naegi -

Drawing gestures at first is definitely a struggle but go with it, it's essential!
