Your practice is definitely helping you improve. So keep at it!
Are you using your shoulder and elbow when you are making your strokes? it looks like you might mostly be drawing from the wrist, which results in shorter and sketchier strokes. If you are, you should try to use your whole arm. It has made a world of difference in my own efforts.

@JimSt I really need to work on my line quality, thanks for the reminder

I have realised with my gesture drawing that sticking to one time makes me draw mindlessly after a while , I need to vary the timer so I actually pay attention.

Really struggling to get past drawing symbols, Maybe taking more time would help or I need to work on my observation skills

Hey nice facial feature studies! I'm not sure if you're going too fast or not, but one thing to get out drawing symbols is to understand the subject you're drawing. A quick way for that to translate to actual practice is to first trace the subject, for example the eye. Then draw it again, next to your traced over image. Then compare the two. That way you get rid of all surrounding information, like color and light and can just focus on the lines.

And just some general feedback; I notice that you only focus on the inner part of the eyes, not drawing the eyelids or the shelf of the eyebrow. I think you'll get a more accurate representation if you try to capture the whole eye region in your studies, and It'll be easier to then "attach" them to your faces.

@vstriferv I'll try tracing it and redrawing seems like a good idea to practice


My lines ended up really rough in the portraits. I am not sure if tracing helped, I think it made a bit of a difference

Need to focus on observing the reference more.
Not much but I spent 2 minutes looking at the reference before drawing it
hope it helped


Really trying to observe the reference more and focus on accuracy

I got some great advice about my process that has helped me alot.
So what I do is I trace the construction and some of the larger shapes.
Then I redraw it without tracing. I done it very roughly today but I think the difference is clear

I have a good process now

Makes me realise that I need to slow down and focus on accuracy. My mistakes here are due to my own impatience to finish the drawing over having an accurate drawing.

I forgot to check for mistakes on the sketch

WIP Helloclonion Study

Good job on the studies! They're really coming together. ^.^

thanks, I hope I am progressing okay

Not very accurate and my lines are bad, But I tried my best
Helloclonion study