Working on this piece inspired by Frank Herberts Dune. Arrakis is one of my favorite fictional places (wouldn't live there though) and sandworms are interesting, like a cat size of a god, you just have to learn to live around it.

To do list:
Shapes and light on dark cloth
Texture and details on the worm
Blending character on the right into the environment
Sky details


I am a bit unsure what to do with the characters. Especially the guy on the right pops out too much, and how to make details with dark values is a bit of a problem.

Nice, i like where it is going.
I think that the composition works well like this.
Maybe you could blur some parts of the image at the end, to create a little bit more depht to it.
And i would paint a person next to the vehicle to show the scale better. ( I think you had one in your first sketch?)

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