1pt Perspectives. Had some fun with the last one. Hope to start in on 2pt and the room tomorrow.

Nice perspective studies. You even did the circle. That's always my trouble child.

Ya it wasn't fun but I really wanted to tackle it because whenever I do perspectives my math brain takes over as does the perfectionist side. In the 1pt perspective lesson Marc is drawing a train track and it brought back painful memories of my brain bursting while trying to calculate the specific distance between evenly spaced beams going into the distance... I'm going to go cry, curled up in the corner now. Haha. Jokes aside I am actually looking forward to tackling it again. I think it'll be significantly easier calculating everything via Photoshop instead of constantly drawing and erasing on paper.

I might just do that for the 2pt drawings today.

MUHAHAHA! Looking forward to what you'll submit for critique tomorrow!

Now I feel like I'm going to disappoint you because all the perspective stuff was pretty much all I could get done this week.

I could probably churn out something quick for next week by replicating photos but I would much rather force myself down the difficult path and strictly go by the lessons. Maybe both. I don't know.

In regards to tomorrow's stream I might be able to finish the tracks if I lose sleep and dump the child on my wife. Joking/ Not Joking. Haha.

Nah, no point to crunch. Benefit of this school you don't get marked down for not submitting a weekly assignment.

Ya. I was toying with the idea if I should submit anything at all because at its current state it is just a study and I really don't have any questions regarding it. Don't want to take time from others just to pop my head in for a pat on the back.

Good call. You have us (other students) for that purpose :joy:

That's so great :heart_eyes: I hope that this could turn out into an amazing landscape !! :grin:

Landscapes are not a strong suit for me but that is the intent plus some characters. :smiling_imp: If I cannot capture it the way I want to now then I'll return to it later in the course.

I'm done with this for now but as I said I have big plans for it. :smiling_imp:

Maan, you really have put some work into this, good job! If you are going to use it into environment I suggest tweaking it just a little bit with liqufy to make it a bit curved and dented in some places for more lively outcome

I'm a glutton for punishment apparently. Haha. I was planning on throwing some brush strokes on it to make it not so artificial but liquify is a good idea too. Thanks.

Nice rails! Can't wait to see what you plan to do with 'em! :smiley:
The first plank seems a bit to thick in my opinion compared to the other ones.

Strange. That's where the convergent line fell but I definitely agree. I can cheat it in. Thanks!

Perspective is messing with us! :joy:
You're welcome. ^^