Ya it wasn't fun but I really wanted to tackle it because whenever I do perspectives my math brain takes over as does the perfectionist side. In the 1pt perspective lesson Marc is drawing a train track and it brought back painful memories of my brain bursting while trying to calculate the specific distance between evenly spaced beams going into the distance... I'm going to go cry, curled up in the corner now. Haha. Jokes aside I am actually looking forward to tackling it again. I think it'll be significantly easier calculating everything via Photoshop instead of constantly drawing and erasing on paper.
I might just do that for the 2pt drawings today.
I could probably churn out something quick for next week by replicating photos but I would much rather force myself down the difficult path and strictly go by the lessons. Maybe both. I don't know.
In regards to tomorrow's stream I might be able to finish the tracks if I lose sleep and dump the child on my wife. Joking/ Not Joking. Haha.