MUHAHAHA! Looking forward to what you'll submit for critique tomorrow!

Now I feel like I'm going to disappoint you because all the perspective stuff was pretty much all I could get done this week.

I could probably churn out something quick for next week by replicating photos but I would much rather force myself down the difficult path and strictly go by the lessons. Maybe both. I don't know.

In regards to tomorrow's stream I might be able to finish the tracks if I lose sleep and dump the child on my wife. Joking/ Not Joking. Haha.

Nah, no point to crunch. Benefit of this school you don't get marked down for not submitting a weekly assignment.

Ya. I was toying with the idea if I should submit anything at all because at its current state it is just a study and I really don't have any questions regarding it. Don't want to take time from others just to pop my head in for a pat on the back.

Good call. You have us (other students) for that purpose :joy:

That's so great :heart_eyes: I hope that this could turn out into an amazing landscape !! :grin:

Landscapes are not a strong suit for me but that is the intent plus some characters. :smiling_imp: If I cannot capture it the way I want to now then I'll return to it later in the course.

I'm done with this for now but as I said I have big plans for it. :smiling_imp:

Maan, you really have put some work into this, good job! If you are going to use it into environment I suggest tweaking it just a little bit with liqufy to make it a bit curved and dented in some places for more lively outcome

I'm a glutton for punishment apparently. Haha. I was planning on throwing some brush strokes on it to make it not so artificial but liquify is a good idea too. Thanks.

Nice rails! Can't wait to see what you plan to do with 'em! :smiley:
The first plank seems a bit to thick in my opinion compared to the other ones.

Strange. That's where the convergent line fell but I definitely agree. I can cheat it in. Thanks!

Perspective is messing with us! :joy:
You're welcome. ^^

This bed is still a fire hazard. For modern day accommodations don't forget the outlets and chargers near bed for every device available :joy: Unless everything runs on the power of DARK!

Do your appliances not run off of darkness and souls?