Just some of my previous critters to start the blog off with! Expect more of the same spooky things. Maybe some sci-fi thrown in for good measure : )

Sickle Worm

Death's Head

Carcass Prince


A gold knight WIP. The idea is that he feels so arrogant and self righteous that he believes he holds audience even with angels. They are built into the shoulder pads of his armor and whisper the secrets of the heavens.

Ohh, I love these! Your style is super gothy and dark. Awesome!

Very spooky! Your designs seem pretty unified within themselves, looking solid altogether. Do you do any gesture or quick designs before moving into polished characters? Would love to see if you do!

They're all good . The first and the third one are my prefs . I already see them in a game ( A spooky game :skull: )

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