is it traditional? the white bg looks kind of too noiseless to be trad imo XD usually there'd b subtle shadows of the bumps on the paper / paper texture for trad - or thats just really good paper LMAO
I think its a nice start though the flow of the dress is a little confusing as the darker shadows look like its folding inwards yet the shape implies that its on the outside instead hmmm..
it also blends into her hair so composition wise i have heard and i also try to follow this guide: 2 object should not share the same line. ie if u look from afar u cant tell if that is part of the dress or part of her hair so i would try to space them out - i think moving the dress to cover more of her face for example so that it doesnt line up with her hair exactly.
the top of the dress near her hand looks like its going behind her head while her hand looks like its in front of her head
and the way she's pulling on it doesnt quite flow thru the rest of the dress its like the dress is pulling on it self in different directions.
oh and the cloth flowing off her butt should be closer to her than further i think
the floor shadow looks great tho as does the anatomy
i only have time to do some liquifying here atm but here's kind of what im going for - hope it helps!: