i'd say probably try to blend it a bit more.. use a smaller brush for the wrinkles then blend them out gradually
One thing i'd do is start with the medium colors first, then the dark colors then the bright colors
Another thing is your edges look a bit flat - which is probs cus of the lack of lighting to make it more round..
When coloring i usually have at least 3-5 colors mid, dark, and light and the inbetweens for those as extras..
IDK how to describe it really but essentially you need to use small brush strokes and huge airbrush stokes together to "sculpt" the colors to make an edge. how you make an edge is via contrast.
The only reason i know this is cus my old lineart used to SUCK and i experimented with a lineart-less style XD but it takes longer to color that way tho. it was a good refresher and makes me happy to know that despite linearting for a year or two now, i still got the skillz to go lineartless (tho even if i lineart i still shade like this for the most part.)
for extra spark/glare i like to gently brush (with a huge airbrush) over the whole thing where there's light with an add glow or color dodge just a teeny bit
(and yes that red arrow totally reached over what i was pointing at lmao forgot to fix that before i cut the recording XD but u get the idea )
here's a rough example (set to 2x speed for speedpaint effect):