This is truly great stuff! As for the embarrassment in regard to the gesture drawings, I feel you - I posted mine anyway 'cause, hey, we're all here to learn. It's 100% your decision but from the way you translate what you see into your art, it's highly likely that you're better at them than you think :smile: Keep up the amazing work!

Some head shape practice - I think my spheres/ovals are still pretty off? Also some ear studies

Yo great studies
These look pretty good. Only things I would note (not much of a critique) is that from front view, no real reason to make the cut oval, the sphere would be vertically cut and when looking at the chin at angles from below, do note the actual chin is rounded “in all directions” so, not sharp and the he bottom of the jaw angles toward the hyoid bone making the floor of the oral cavity and submandibular region


Thank you that makes sense! I was definitely treating the face as like a shield stuck on the front of the sphere lol so remembering that the chin has depth has been very helpful!

Some quick nose work as well as a few of the personal things I've been doing this month since I realised I've never posted any of my own fun stuff here :blush:

Mouths... I'm going through this first term anatomy incredibly slowly!!

12 days later

Was away for a little bit but here is my Anatomy 1 final assignment - heads from imagination. A struggle! But will keep trying. Feedback welcome I have a really hard time pinpointing what I'm doing wrong

Nice job doing these from imagination! That’s impressive
