Just dumping part of my experimental render. Been reading Andrew Loomis' figure drawing for all it's worth.
Mostly reading today.

Skull model does not belong to me, it was made by martinjario on sketchfab
Just made some observations on what happens when you change the FOV (field of view) on 3d models. This might be elementary to some, and I understood it somewhat, but the change is dramatic when you change from for instance 90 FOV to 30.
Something to keep in mind, and good reason to put thought behind where you place your vanishing points.

This is most evident on the front view, but if you compare the front plane on the on the second set of images you clearly see a difference, and it's also visible on the roundness of the skull on "our" side.

Painting I was working on for Halloween. Not done, but I always get halted by my lack of knowledge in certain areas.
Need to study more from real life.

Made her more scary looking. This is like, 2 and a half hours later?
I don't keep track of time properly. Gonna put this one to rest at the moment and maybe come back to it, struggling with painting.
Also, how dafuq does one do hair?

Made a small animation for fun in Krita, it syncs up to a lot of songs going around 120 bpm

Hey look it's the storm king! That silly old Demon's Souls boss, I'll never forget the pain and suffering it put me through, nor the manic laughter of defeating it in NG+ using the storm ruler sword...

I had to look it up, and I see what you mean. I didn't play Demon's Souls to completion, just Dark Souls 1 =)

Dumping small progress shots of this WIP, I've decided to double down on making "clean" lineart before I go to the final step of painting. I rush too quickly through most of my work, so right now I'm just trying to slow down.

Had to go do something else for a little while. WIP of a face study.
posting because I hit my work time deadline for today, will continue work on it tomorrow.

I don't know how I feel about the brush I'm using. Sometimes I love the effect, other times I hate it. Might try something radically different tomorrow.

Thank god I walked away from it yesterday, came back and basically repainted the whole face.
This is the current progress. Don't know if I'll keep going with it or not.

Edit; Finished this today as far as I wanna take it. This is the final, gonna add this as a new "top image" on the first post cause I kinda like it.

Hair study of my girlfriend's messy hair. Thought it looked interesting in the light, so I snagged a picture. Still have trouble rendering hair, but learned some things at least.

Edit; resized to image to something smaller.

Spent a good chunk of the day painting a Leaf.
This was honestly really hard, but I learned a lot, and had some fun.
Not done, but think I'm abandoning it. The composition wasn't the greatest to begin with.
tested out some new brushes though.

Current WIP. Trying out new techniques and new brushes all the time. End up with dirty results, but some are promising.

Crud the Goblin speedpaint and a face study I've been working on.
Painted the goblin cause I wanted to stare at some different colors again.

22 days later

Been in sort of an art rut lately, haven't been happy with the things I've made. Made this with markers without sketching underneath. Really difficult, not super happy with it, but it's progress.
EDIT; ignore hands. I'm not great at hands if I only get one shot at em.

1 month later

11 days later

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