Term 2 - Week 4

Week 4 introduced perspective 2, a 3h and 20m lecture on different types of perspective as well as some demos from Marc. Homework changed into daily primitives, rotated boxes, cylinders, geometric shapes etc. I added heads and gestures into the mix too because at this point it just feels weird not doing them.

Here's some of the homework the last two weeks as well as anatomy 1 assignment 4, draw a head from memory. I think I need to do more studies with a more stylized approach, construction is all well and good but it lends itself to some stiff looking faces.

Good call on reaching for other resources to learn more about perspective. I’m going to be doing the same as well since Marc’s video lessons are only covering the absolute basics. I think it’s still important to know the more technical aspects of how to plot the correct perspective even if there are tools like 3D that can make this easier.

Yeah, his video is good for an overview but I felt like it was lacking depth. Lots of big names swear by Scott Robertson's books and so far its been nothing but positive. Quite a bit of vehicles and hard surface towards the end of the book, which isn't really my vibe but I can't deny it's usefulness in learning perspective and drawing techniques.

Term 2 - Week 4

Perspective 2 assignment 1. The perspective is not as tight as I'd want it to be, and the curves are a bit wonky but overall I'm happy with it. Had fun looking up Nordic churches for their architecture and taking some details from each one to add to my drawing. All the open, less detailed areas, would probably look better with some texture but it just turned out very muddy when I tried. I still don't know how to do values, but that wasn't really the purpose of the exercise.

Term 2 - Week 5

Some of this week's drawing, 5m gestures. Not posting the 1m I've been doing alongside these, trying to do 1h per day.

Trying to weave in more things for myself, not just being stuck in study-hell.

And some more practice from "How to Draw" , perspective techniques for ellipses. Going to focus on these rather than assignment 2 in the course material.

Lots of great studies! You did a nice job on your perspective assignment. Did you find the how to draw book helpful with it?

Thanks! I'd like to think it helped, especially with some of the curves and setting up a perspective grid. But it also made me try a lot of techniques without really practicing them enough beforehand, so none of the ones I tried ended up as I wished.

With that said, the book sorta teaches you all the pieces first before it shows the workflow on how to utilize them in larger compositions, I've not reached that chapter yet, but I'm hoping that once I do I can attempt something similar again. It also goes over draft and exploded views which should prove an interesting challenge.

Term 2 - Week 5

Trying to figure out gestures and to do that I've been studying Michael Hampton's technique. The problem I've always had with my previously posted gestures is that they're not really gestures, they're figure drawings pushed into gestural poses. They're not bad in any way and definitely have their place but they're technically not pure gesture drawings.

I think I'm onto something with these, they're defiantly more gestural, but I struggle with pushing the pose and if there's overlap I tend to draw more hesitant lines. I'll play around more with this technique and see where it takes me.

The first set is 2-3m and the 2nd is 1m.

Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone and trying this different approach. I think you’re onto something here! They all have a lot more movement and life to them - especially the larger figures on the first page.