Well it's been since the start of the course for me to post anything here. I kindof gave up because I couldn't even do the colour grading/messing about thing.

I came back though and did this. The final exercise there is awful. I spent an hour or more originally, and couldn't make it the same, and it's the same this time too. Over an hour and I still can't do it.:-

You did just fine. This assignment is a lot about experimentation. There isn't a 100% right answer to these. But the more you do these the more familiarity you will have on these features in photoshop. As long as you work on the assignments, you'll always get better results. But don't be afraid to post your work here because you had undesirable results.

Thank you. Am I just being too hard on myself?

Yeah, you just need to try over and over. The first 3 tries are trial runs anyway. Just getting use to something new. Stick with it and you can nail any of this stuff. It's a patience game.

i think is a good start. besides the purpose of the assignment is just to show yourself how to use the photoshop tools. all about practice :grin: