Term 1 Assignments

Still getting used to the new tablet. hence the shaky lines. Also I have to mention I had quite the trouble with color correction and probably will have a lot of difficulty with the color theory coming in to play as I am colorblind (Strong deutan). But hey! that's what makes my art stand out I suppose. Every comment is welcome.

Color blindness in art is always fascinating! It is quite neat how the colors are so very specific (top left, middle, and top right circle groups were off, but the others are correct).

Would you care to know some tricks that can be used in Photoshop to bypass the colorblindness to some extent? I completely understand if you would rather not and instead hold to it as something that is more uniquely you. :smile:

Hey Janar, you've done so much already, wauw. Also I think it's quiet amazing you could manage some of these exercises being color blind. I found them pretty challenging myself at least =P. Keep it up! Hope to see more of your work coming up!

P.S. By the way, if I'm not mistaken there are artists that work almost exclusively in greyscale. Google 'Anthony Jones' for instance, his work is almost all in tones of grey!

15 days later

9 days later