Hi All!

I'm Brad, I live in the UK and starting out with art school as I want to improve my art. I started term 1 a couple months ago but haven't got round to uploading assignments with the holiday and art wars 4. If anyone would like to check out my entry and provide any CC that would be great. Although the comp is over it will help for future works.

I love stories and world building with my favourite medium being games but you can't beat a good book or movie. I have studied art at University but I found it very lacking and a bit of a joke for raw artist skills, so I thought this would be a great place to get a solid fundamental understanding. Here is a link to previous works if anyone is interested.

Looking forward to getting better with art with everyone, Cheers!

Photoshop for Digital Production 1 - Assignments

I hate that last image for colour correction, you get one bit right then it throws another bit off.

Adding in some form of neck sag would help with his aging but I think he looks older at least.

Looking back at the combining images I've noticed the lighting isn't very consistent so I want to re-do that to fix it up a bit.

*edit (Combing images added)

Original version which I ended up fixing as I wasn't happy with the lighting consistency. I think it was down to not choosing photos that matched in the first place.

I am more happy with this revised image but I still think the pictures are the best for consistency. I also swapped the goat out for a human as I thought it would help with scale.

Open to CC.

13 days later

Visual Communication 1 - Assignments

Been studying how light effects objects and materials, especially how light is bouncing off and effecting colours around it. Along with a observation of forms and I think its been helping with sketching quite a lot. Funny how looking at stuff with intent can help.

Perspective 1 - Assignments
1 point - my room

1 point - sci fi twist (not the best sci fi design but was a fun assignment)

2 point - street corner

Open to CC.

Nude Figure Drawing - Assignments

I did this test every test for a month then after a month tried again to see if I had remembered the proportions. I do struggle keep the limbs the same for each side but its most prominent with their interaction with the rib cage, I notice the spacing is different between each side.

Gesture drawing - turns out to be really hard! I have uploaded day 1 drawing s for 30s and 1 min as well as day 30 which contains both. Concentrating on simplifying the lines involved.

Day 1 - 30s

Day 1 - 1min

Day 30 - mixed

Measuring, Is going to need a lot more practice. I noticed in this and in other drawings I copy is I tend to rotate the pose a bit.

Open to CC.