Hey guys! i will be sharing all my assignment progress in this thread so please give me your CC's it will be much appreciated :smiley: i know im late but ihahd no time to work on it before
you can reach me at the discord channel, my name is "ROZZ".
let's do this!!

Hey @HROZZ those are some clean lines and decent ellipses =). As a tip: when drawing your ellipse, draw the major and minor axis of the ellipse to compare both sides for symmetry! That can sometimes be helpful to discover errors and improve. As to the final part: neat! I think maybe just keep trying, play with pressure of your pen and if necessary change 'flow' :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway good luck and I'm looking forward to seeing more!

@Ardeey thanks man! yea i should play and expirement with the pressure settings more too :smiley: thanks for the tips!

Wow you went all out on your photo-manipulation assignment! It looks impressive! I'd like to suggest a couple of things though, if you don't mind?

1- to add a hue/ colour/ saturation layer (or a couple) over the entire thing (near the end of the teaching video where he makes one himself, Marc shows you how to do so) to really bring it all together?
2- check your light source(s), the building is strongly lit from the left, but the motor rider appears to be lit from the right. Try finding one spot you want your light to come from and possibly some resources that have a similar light source. You can also use the burn and dodge tools to help deepen and lighten areas (as well as various other colour editing settings Marc uses in his video) but it takes a little practice to use these tools c: