2 months later

@gramaton Thanks a bunch, man! That made my day.

@retro_latte Heeeeeey… that’s exactly what it looks like. I have no idea what I was seeing at the time to think that looked okay XD. Thanks for pointing it out.

@BemezmorizeD Thanks! I think I see what you mean? The male one in particular seems too broad on second view. Tried to readjust them a bit.

4 months later

1 year later


Its been a while. Some changes in my life have been very consuming for the past year, but I'd like to claw my way back in to art school little by little.

I haven't been doing nothing, but I haven't kept up with my assignents. Something I've been trying to work on is character design, so this is an attempt at exaggerating features and applying the theory on this term while making heads more stylized.

4 months later

Really nice! Looove the "wine-guy" :smile: