So this is another scene for my personal comic book projet in the progress. I think I was able to find the style for the project but the main character is still evolving... buuuut I think that's the point (yepp I just tried to tease some detail pieces from the story xD )
This scene tries to continue the story after my first scene illustration ( you can find it here: )
So be my guest and watch the evolution of this scene
1st step:
It started with a sketchbook doodle. Light pencil sketch and ink to finish it. Because I knew I would like to create a colored digital finished piece I didn't put into it too much details.
2nd step:
Layed down the base values. Wanted to create the mood of this scene with the lighting as soon as possible
3rd step:
Worked on the details. Tried to avoid detailing everything on the same level. My all time biggest mistake is I put the same amount of detail into every pixels of the picture. But it just makes the picture hard to read. Tried to create somekind of focus point, to lead te viewers eyes where the most important things are happening.
4th step:
Do some "Gradient Map" stuff
... To be Continued ...