Hey! as I mentioned in my other post, I wanted to start inproving my digital art skills, so here are 100 pages of primitives over pose references, using quickposes, set a custom time of 1 second, then, by the end of the session, you are presented with a gallery of all the previous poses, then using PureRef you can copy/paste the images into the canvas, screenshot them to paint over the primitives using Photoshop(or any program), I also added the action line, just to study the balance in the poses

15 days later

these b lookin good! tho i recommend putting all your topics under one page that you update over time instead of creating a page for every hw assignment :smile: (check out my and/or other's forums for examples if you need any :smile: )

That way its easier to keep track of your progress and your viewers would also remember who you are easier cus they can just scroll up and b like eyy its that one guy XD

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