Welcome to the forums Tristen!

Hi Tristen! Welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing more of your progress!

Hello Tristen! While a bit late from my side, welcome to ArtSchool!

Your exercises look good, well done ! In case you repeat them in the future for practicing purposes, I'd like to point out some things I spotted which might help ( I hope you do not mind my feedback ).

Try to do the lines with the same confidence as you did the circles. Your flow is good, use your shoulder more, do quicker motions, try and "ghost" the lines over and over before executing the line.

In image adjustments, you need to focus on these: Some colors in the first exercise, being red and cyan, are darker, while other colors, like neon green, turquoise and orange, they are a bit desaturated / lighter. I'd go with color picker and see the difference in the box to see where my difference is in your case, it will definitely help you. Second greyscale and third with the fruits are looking good. Second scifi scenery and last look a bit muddy and there are noticeable differences on the colors in the last one, with highlights being a bit purple. I'd recommend you take your time and play with Curves and even the RGB curve, as well as CTRL U to set the correct hue before doing anything. It's a bit trial and error in this exercise, it also took me a bit to finish.

Still, congrats on finishing the exercises. Baby steps, keep it up and keep practicing daily! We're all together in this journey. Wishing to see more of your progress soon! ^_^

1 month later

Term 1 assignments for nude figure drawing.

Proportions : I got this aspect down relatively quickly thanks to marcs guidance this was before I had started to do the figure drawings which is why the lines seem nervous and less confidently done

30 second gestures : Day's 1 to around 20. after day 20 is when I think I had started to do the 30 second to 10 minute drawings. I am excited to do more in the coming future as a warm up exercise to future terms
Day 1

Day 5

Day 10

Day 15

Day 20

Day 25

Day 30

Measurements : when I started working on the measurement aspect of nude figure drawing I used marcs methodology as a starting point then over the course of time made my own way of doing things. usually for this part of the study I would use the class setting on the "Gesture Drawing!" so that the last reference photo seen would be the one I would use for the measurement assignments giving myself more time if needed.

Term 1 assignments for perspective!
Starting with perspective one I followed along marcs how to video thus making the first two images in this post

Then the 1 point perspective room drawing assignment

And finally the two point perspective project

So this has been an exciting few months and I cant wait to continue my art education in this wonderful community!