Hi! I'm Chloe (or Typthon). I've never drawn anything but always buzzed around the idea of learning, I've studied 3d art and I'm working on that field for now but with very little creative occasions, so since I can now afford to pay for my stuff.. here I am :smiley: decided to start directly with the course to (hopefully) build good habits from the beginning!
Hope we can help each other and get along :smiley: (will post the first images soon, i'm getting all the files to the ipad!)

First few exercises done, used various brushes since I did not find the one Marc was using on procreate but I think it worked anyway, I also did a few pages of just pen pressure exercise cause I was struggling with it (not posting those tho, don't know how many images I can put!)
The image adjustment part was.. well harder than expected for color balance especially (and the last image did not turn close to the second one :c )
I'm gonna keep going later on this evening maybe, or maybe look for procreate guides. See you tomorrow :smiley:

Welcome to the forums Typthon nice work with these assignments I look forward to seeing your progress!

Thank you :smiley:
Yesterday I couldn’t post cause internet was having fun.. but here are yesterday updates, I did the pen control paper again and I struggle a lot doing circles, i then did a drawing by myself (but traced the human proportions :frowning:) and then moved to the edit part, on procreate I couldn’t find all the tools, so it may not be the best, once I’m back at my place I’ll maybe redo it with photoshop.
I’ll update again later on for today’s work!

Overall the cylinders are looking quite good! I think if you want to improve them from here I would suggest drawing the elipse all the way through the form and doing your best to keep that curve the same angle on each limb. Let me know if that doesn't make sense and I can explain a different way. Nice progress on these keep it up!

It make sense, I’ll try keep it in mind, hopefully I’ll also find some sfw images so I can put the reference visible

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