Hello everyone. This is my WIP for this week's challenge. I've never done critiques online, and thought it would be a fun to see what you guys think.

So, my concept is that the fight has just ended with the orc going for a last desperate charge and landing a lucky strike. The warrior's skin is draining of color, freezing, and starting to crack.

I'm pretty unsure what to do with the background or the orc's right hand. Also haven't figured out the costume design yet. I just know the warrior has to have a fair bit of skin showing, so I can show the color fading from it.

Let me know what you think, and thanks a bunch!

Hey! Strong start, really like the concept. I think a frozen and barren wasteland would be a fitting background, though, probably overdone! I don't really have any thoughts or criticism besides that it'd be cool if this frostorc? would use his abilities to freeze the opponents hand in place, to give him a combat advantage :smile: This way, it'd be more exciting than spreading frost. Anyway, looking forward to seeing the finished piece! Keep us updated if you're not done!! :smiley:

I got a little carried away today and started rendering certain parts more than others, so it's a little sloppy for sure, but I figured I'd post some progress anyway. This one's turning out to be a challenge, so I've been failing & learning quite a bit.

Also, thanks achronic for the cool idea. I worked too far ahead by the time I read your post, but I might do another concept with the freezing hand idea. Just reading it gave me all kinds of ideas for cool poses and designs. Next time though I suppose.