
Hi guys and gals,

This is my WIP for the 2nd art challenge.
I was going for a comic cover feel but I think
the composition might be a bit boring.

Too afraid to commit to finishing it.
What do you think?

Aw man I had a big reply but then I clicked the image to see the full thing and it took me to imgur and I lost it :hushed:

Looks like album cover, squareish aspect ratio and place for text, though thinking about it that's where the comic title would go. Character ok, not revolutionary but got interesting bits like the nose style.
If you don't mind starting again try a different camera angle, anything that isn't straight-on mugshot. Either way, would recommend bumping contrast hugely to give a dramatic silhouette and accentuate whiteness. Look up some reference for the horns.

There I think I hit everything, and it didn't even take long.

Hey there! I tried to apply some of your criticism.
I'm still working through it all, thanks so much!

Here's a bit more put into it today.


It looks much better already, but if you want to mimic a comic book style I would go really dark with the shading. (In some styles pure black even.) I know he's supposed to be a white devil, but as long as it's clear that the base colour is white you can still go really out there with the shading and contrast.


Added some darker colours as critiqued!
Also changed the size and added in a few elements.
Learned a lot so far!

Looks awesome! Such improvement!

Thanks! I think more contrast on the face is needed?
Perhaps a multiply pass?

This is what I submitted to the weekly challenge.
Might keep going with it, not sure yet!


I wish you the best of luck. :smile:

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