Hi everyone. Glad to be here. I was preparing myselfe for this challenge for last 2 weeks. Planning the idea and then finaly drawing one sketch. I have to mention that I am terrible at drawing , so this is very rough sketch or rather a plan for the actual 3d work. This is maybe my 3rd drawing in my life so ignore lack of scale, proprotions, wrong perspective, wrong shadows etc I have a lot to learn some day...
Scene brief, propably will change at some point (fantasy):
Our modern world has been destroyed during a Great War of Mages. They have been living in our world for millenias, in shadows, passing their knowledge from a father to son for generations. A secret society.
The Elders of Mages were keeping them safe from Human kind. But new generation, young mages tempted by modern world were about to reveal their secrets. Elders had to stop them...
And the War begun. Powerfull Elder versus young reckless Mages. Elders trying to protect their kind and at the same time human kind from destruction. But despite or maybe because of lack of experience the young mages were winning that war. Destroying everything...
War lasted 27 years.
Powerfull spells were used to destroy but also to create. One of the Mightest Elders in the last year of war was building a small army of Stone Golems to help them against the Young ones.
His last spell was to put a spark of life into Golems Hearts. It cost him his life.
But Golems were ressistant to all of the spells. They were inderstructable. Immortal.
They help to win the war. Young Mages were eliminated. World was in peace once agian...
For 200 years Golems were living in our world. Their world. The Last of the mages died. Golems were free. Without any purpose or masters they started to build their own world. Learning slowly our long forgotten basic technologies.
3500 years has passed. Not much left from our civilisation. Ruins.
Golems were peacfull creatures. They have created new world, the way they wanted, Without weapons, without wars. They have mastered Magic and with Spark of Life of the powerfull mage left inside of each of them they started to create more Golems. Each time losing part of the spark
Until the day when Spark of life will vanish completly.
Peace has finaly come to our world.
The end... ?
I wont be drawing golems on this scetch. Maybe i will try to draw few seperatly but i cant draw creatures, so it might be straight 3d model. Experimentig a lot.
Good Luck to everyone and Have fun.
And yes, they will be playing chess
Name Remigiusz Zablotny
Email remik88@gmail.com
Website www.3d-remi.com
Aug 1, '17
last reply
Aug 7, '17