And here are a few references we gathered. We have to focus our research on mood and light references to get a better idea to where will we going, I will update it when those researches will be done.

Some pics about gigantic mechanoïds :smile:

And some favelas to get an idea of how the civilisation builtthe town in the machine :

See you soon for the next update !

This is a really cool idea. Looking forward to seeing more.

As for the sketches, i think i like 6 and 8 best myself. I think both have a nice shape, and offer a fair amount of room to build the structures inside them.

Yep, as the purpose is to sit a town into those scrappy guys you're totally right !
Thanks for the feedback !

Yeah 6 has some really nice shapes, I'm liking the form of 3 too. But does depend on how you want to build over / in them.

Yes, I will focus on the 6 I think, I'll just add some bigger shoulders and bigger legs to leave room to fit the city inside and on top of it.

Thanks for the reply Goat ! :smile:

I like 6 and 7 (= These shapes look like strong and powerful

6 and 7, Thanks Cheshirka !
Looks like the number 6 have definitively more potential than the others !


After a few days of research of design, architecture and ambiance, we made some artistic choices together..

For the fly-through camera, we want to see the entire mecha from the outside, and then going into it to visit the city. The city would be build like human anatomy, bones, organs and veins, and we want to finish with the heart of the city, who produced energy for rich people living in the mechanoid’s head (there is hierarchy rich > poor that will be shown). The heart will be located in the poor city, noisy and luminous.

Indeed we have divided tasks to have a more efficient workflow, Sugarpoly is in charge of the conception of the mecha outside with his posture and environment, tom piguet will work lightning of all the sequences, and I’m responsible of the inside buildings architecture.

References, research and concept in next post, critique & comment are welcomes, hope you like it :wink:

Wow this sounds ambitious! If you pull it off it's going to look fantastic though! Great sense of scale and lighting in the blockout, really feels like you're 'in the belly of the beast' so to say.