When it says "Show the front and back of your final design(...)" : What does "front and back" mean exactly?

I might give it a try, do you need to make a character turn around? i've been seeing people talking about; "show front and back" so im assuming thats for reference for other artists in case the design wins?

@heroshyn Your entry must include a concept sheet that showcases your kickass design from front and back, as well as any other key sketches that are part of the design AND a final illustration which presents your design in illustration.
Front and back is sufficient, you don't have to make a full turnaround.
You can read the first post in this topic for full information on entry requirements :).

Great contest here!
Just a question: Are references allowed? (Pose references, etc)

@lajoan yes, of course! If you want some inspiration, many people show their reference boards in their topics :smile:

does the final illustration have to be full body? i remember in the old forums that was a requirement sometimes. thanks!

may we create 2 characters? of course it would count as a single submission but i would really like to work on a concept that involves partners who work together as a single hero.

How will we submit our final pieces?
Everything says what they need to be but I don't see anything that says where we post them.
Sorry for the trouble I'm just confused and want to make sure i do it right

You post your final piece in the topic you create with all of the process and sketch work.

@twistedxp You can read how in the Rules section here and/or the first answer in the Q&A here.

@Kuhleesee Hi! So good to see you participating! Good question, its not stated explicitly in the rules, but we'll add it to the FAQ shortly. Yes, the character in the final illustration should be visible from head to toes - all in all, roughly at least 80% of the character should be visible.

@Bailey_Walker its a good idea, and definitely would be interesting to see, but the brief calls for a only single champion. However, you can include side/support (or enemy) characters in your concept sheet or illustration.

I would like to ask why my thread in ART WAR - 2D is a bit faded compare to other threads

That happens to all the topics you've already read. Only topics that are unread by you or have new posts are white.

Hi I was curious the Illustration dimensions are 2048x2048 minimum, and the concept sheet section just says 2048x2048 is that the minimum dimension? Feels kind of odd to make the concept sheet a square sheet instead of a rectangular sheet.

@purefire yes, that's right, for Final Illustration it's at least 2048x2048 pixels, while the Concept Sheet has to be 2048x2048 pixels. Usual concept sheets are rectangular to show different angles of character side by side - however, here you only need the front and the back, with added important sketches (or objects belonging to character etc.). It doesnt have to follow the 'usual' concept sheet style, what's important is all that's in there!

Can we go beyond 2048 pixels in portrait mode?
e.g. 3072 x 4096 pixels.

If allowed, will this be applicable for the Concept Sheet as well? or leave it as is i.e. 2048x2048 pixels.

@nevs36 I've literally just answered that in the post right above your question!
Exactly as it's stated in the first post in this topic - Final Illustration has to have at least 2048x2048 pixels (any format), while the Concept Sheet has to be exactly 2048x2048 pixels.

Thanks a million! :blush:
I shall now start off with my entry!