Her father called her "SpitFire" and for more reasons than the color of her hair.
After the War of the creators or as some called it, "the ArtWar," her father went into hiding, leaving her alone. She went from foster home to foster home until she hit the age of 18.
Later on, SpitFire found an abused old pit bull named Charles and decided to take him in. On that cold winter night the FBI came to her apartment and took them both into custody, where they were sprayed clean and checked for radiation. For some reason, one of the agents found it odd that SpitFire had no radiation sickness, as if she was immune to it. Turns out the dog was emitting high volumes of radiation, making everyone sick that he got near, everyone but her.
Later that gloomy night the dog barked. It barked and barked, then barked some more at the bare wall of all things... Charles bellow vibrated through space, just before he ran towards the stone wall. The wall began to consume itself through time and jolted back, through the cosmos, and SpitFire ran behind him, following him into the worm hole to escape her past with hopes of a brighter future, "or past..."
SpitFire and Charles have come back in time, to the beginning of the great ArtWar in hopes to change the course of the future and save her dad from insanity.
Dec 22, '16
last reply
Jan 2, '17