One Entry per person max.

🅰 Concept Sheet

  • Dimensions: EXACTLY 2048x2048px, max JPG 10 Quality (>1mb)

  • Show the front and back of your final design along with any other important sketches you did before moving on to the final illustration. Squeeze everything onto this one sheet.

🅱 Final Illustration

  • Dimensions: at least 2048x2048px, max JPG 10 Quality (>1mb)

  • This is your final illustration depicting your champion in all its glory. You should not use any obvious photos or 3D for this final image, but they can be part of your process.

  • 80% of your champion must be visible and unobstructed within the canvas

  • Supporting characters/creatures/props/vehicles are allowed

  • Entry has to be done exclusively for ART WAR 5 - no art recycling allowed

Your personal details:

  • Full Name (required)

  • Email (required)

  • Website (optional)

  • @Twitter (optional)

  • @Facebook (optional)

  • @Instagram (optional)


Good luck!

51 years later

Don't hesitate if you have any questions!

I'm a bit confused. Has the final entry format to be square or 2048 is the minimal size for an edge ?

@Oceane_Roh Final format for a concept sheet NEED to be a square: 2048x2048px. But your final illustration entry should have at least 2048x2048px. It obviously don't need to be squared, it's just minimal requirements)

Yeah thanks! That's what I thought I just want to be sure :smiley:

Could someone explain me exactly what i have to do in order to paritcipate in art wars 5, please? I don't really understand this wedsite and this is why i am a little bit confused.

For the concept sheet, does it have to be exactly front and back of the design or can we do a 3/4 front and 3/4 back view?

It can be 3/4 front and back if you want.

HI Once I have created a topic do I, update my progress by pressing reply or should it submit entry to update the progress. Thanks

@nikita prizes should be coming soon. Just be patient.
@pcartwright1972 for no just use reply button. Don't use submit into both your concept sheet or for 3d the detail sheet is done along side your final illustration entry would be my recommendation.

Should we post our personal details in our initial post?
and for full name, does it have to be legal first and last name?
Thank you in advance ^_^

You don't have to. If you happen to win, the team can just contact you on here for more information.

11 days later

Hello ! Just to be sure, what is the best way to present my entry ? Should I post my sketches and progress, and make a "submission post" in the end with the concept sheet alongside the final illustration ? Also should the Art War V logo and banner appear somewhere on the submission or is it not mandatory ?

PS : I noticed a small issue with the website : after the 2D guidelines it's written "51 years later" before the comments ! It's no big deal and somehow reminded me of the Spongebob meme and made me laugh but I thought I should probably let you know :joy:

@brushinobi You have created your Art War topic, which is great. Everything you'll make will go into that one topic. Use the 'Reply' button in your topic to add a reply with your first sketch. Then another reply with another progress image and so on. When you will have the Concept sheet and Final illustration, you will post it as another reply and then press the 'Submit Entry' button.
So, your final images will be at the bottom of your Art War topic.

As for the logo, it's up to you! If you like it in your piece, you can use it, if you don't like it then you don't have to :smile:

PS: haha, thanks for the heads up!

Thanks you very much for your very quick and clear reply @Acolet 😁 Have a great day !

I posted my person that I was going to draw what she is supposed to be. How am I supposed to get back to that, thank you.