10 days later

Nude Figure Drawing assignments 1-3

I did all of my short gesture drawing in my drawing pad so I'm not gonna post them here, tbh there isn't much to see hahaha

Gesture Breakdowns

Male/Female Proportions
Did this one a couple of time because I really wanted to get it down.

Model Box Tech
This one was really hard, spent a lot of time getting these right and still have a lot more to wrap my head around.

Good work there. Proportions in general look about right.

1 month later

This is my attempt at the Study (copy) 5 characters from professional artists/shows/games you like (lineart only)
I went on a played with some colour on the Majora's one (he's one of my all time favourite characters in a video game)
2 Naruto, Jak and Daxter, Pokemon (Agatha and her team), Majora's Mask (Legend of Zelda).

Oy that looks good! I believe the point of copy studies is to try to capture the essence at a high level, refine your observation skills, and later try to incorporate it into your own work.

I decided not to draw my room coz I thought it would have been a bit boring, So I decided to draw from my imagination. The bed is totally not in a good spot, it looks cool but I wouldn't want to risk sleeping there hahaha. If anything looks off, please feel free to let me know :smile:

Hey Aaron! first of all good work man, perspective is always rough and just from the lineart detail and shadows it's clear there was good effort put into this exercice.

There are a few details that stood out as I looked at it though:

  • The biggest poin is the distance in proportions with the stairs. Using the rulers you can see in this highlight that where the bed ends, near the window, it's much smaller in proportion to where the stair starts, near the viewer. Even if it's in perspective if you follow the perspective line the distance doesn't seem to match.

  • There are also a few shadows that seem confusing at a glance, I noted some of them in the image, where some seem to have a shadow under direct light and the table seems to not have shadow, which stands out since there are some detailed shadows in some other places.

Hope it helps, keep truckin man.

25 days later

Oh man just saw this, thanks for the feedback. All really good catches and good advice, I'll keep that in mind moving forward.