Hello again, I'm done with the last two photoshop assignments. I've had quite a few technical problems when I was doing these.
It was not hard, but i must say I am quite surprised by the amount of things you can do with photoshop, this is the first time i try to edit photos etc, I was mostly interested in drawing before starting art school, but this is really convenient !

Alright, let me show you what i've accomplished

As for the photo montage, if I may call it this way, i've chosen the following pictures :

The dove is a render, didn't do much with it, I just wanted to make my final production a little cuter !

And here's my final production, I tried so hard to make it look ok. At the beginning I didn't even know what I wanted to make, so I kept looking for pictures and doing random stuff that looked atrocious, in the end I matched a few pictures I liked, made several masks, saturation, color balance etc and that's how I ended up with this.

My first perspective assignment is the one point perspective room, it was the most exciting one in my opinion, at least to start understanding how guide lines work and so on. It's quite different than drawing characters, it was completely new to me, but once you grasp the thing it becomes pleasant. The hardest in drawing a background is really knowing what to put, I wanted to make a background from scratch but ended up following Marc's, drawing from imagination as a beginner has its limits.

Getting closer to term 2 ^^

Here we go, i've completed the two point perspective street, I did not dwell on details that much I just wanted to see if i understood a little bit how it worked. It was really confusing at first, but I gradually came to understand my guide lines, that was pretty fun to do, can't wait to learn more !

5 months later

Hello, it has been a while since i last posted here, I have been working on a personal project therefore no time to publish in artschool. Since it's almost halloween's time I've tried to make a background fitting the theme, it's still in progress, i'll post the complete version when i'll be done !

22 days later

Hey, I have reworked on my last background, my perspective was completely off for some reason, I tried some two-point perspective-ish feel for the house, which resulted in failure because whatever I did, i did it wrong, and the rest of the background made it look awkward. Therefore I studied perspective once more, and this time I found a really great tutorial made by an artist called David Harrington, a really easy to understand tutorial that will help you get MUCH better at perspective and have an easier look at how to concept backgrounds with different kind of techniques. Here is a link to his tutorial if you feel interested, it goes from one point perspective to three points and even a character concept class, very interesting once again, thank you very much David for all the knowledge you've provided with your tutorial ! https://cubebrush.co/davidharrington/products/n7acbw/complete-drawing-guide

And here is my redrawn halloween house, by the way i've inspired myself a lot from his works and from heroes of the storm, hope you enjoy it :smile:

I should have said something the first time that I saw that image you made, I thought the warped perspective on the house was actually looking pretty neat, but something cut me off from posting about it.

The new one does look considerably more "right" for a haunted house in a forest. I was under the impression that you were going for a dimensional distortion in the previous version, like the blue glow was a hole that you were trying to create flow down.

Both are quite fun.

Are you looking to make the timbers on the roofs realistic or chaotic and unnatural? The beams on the small roofs leading up from the main door twist in unnatural ways, but given the subject matter it is reasonable to do so, kind of Escher-esque.

Indeed, i was trying to make a dimensional distortion in the first version, but I kind of messed it up because of my perspective, so when I worked on the new piece, I tried to give it a better feel and a more chaotic vibe, with colors that fit the theme a lot more, like a curse. In the second I tried to make the house a lot more unnatural and magical, and i'm glad you noticed it ! I tried to twitst a bit here and there, you can see some roofs are messy and about to break but others aren't, i really went for the haunted theme.
Thank you for your comment :smile:

4 months later

Hi, it's been a while since i last updated my thread, i've been busy with my work. However i've done a piece recently and i wanted to share it with you here because no one will see it anyway so why not :smile:

I just roughly sketched the background, didn't have enough time to make a very detailed one, i mainly wanted to focus on the characters anyway.

Bam! SAW IT! :stuck_out_tongue:

Fun stuff you have a bunch of interesting things going on in here. Good variety of materials and face types, lots of opportunities for light reflections and smoke effects.

Are you going to introduce some atmospheric perspective to separate out your depths? It kind of screams foggy atmosphere.

Good stuff, keep at it and lets see some more.

Haha thank you very much ! :smiley:

I actually didn't think about putting any depth with a foggy atmosphere, this is an entirely new topic for me, but it's a really good idea i'll try to make it this way !! Thank you for your feed back, i'll put the result here when i'll be done and hope you'll see it :stuck_out_tongue:

No problem, I know that one of the classes talks about atmospheric perspective and how to apply it quickly, but sadly I can't remember which one specifically. I would assume a color or perspective class. GL!

Alright, i've reworked a bit the background ! Is that what you were talking about ?

Just having fun with my drawing LOL (sorry it's in French but whatever i just wanted to show it :smile: )

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