Hey all, I was hoping you fellow members of the community would be able to take a look at my portfolio and give me some harsh critique about what you like about my current work (such as a common element that positively catches your attention and would like to see further rendered,) what you don't like and what you think I need to improve on.
I'm mostly looking for this critique before going in-depth with my journey through the Art School program so I know which chapters to focus on to bring my short comings up to par with areas I'm more comfortable in. (Meaning while I plan to go through the entire program and all of it's chapters, if there's a chapter you think I might need to spend less time on compared to another that I should invest more hours into for practice.)
You can find the link to my portfolio here: genobyportfolio.wordpress.com
Thanks again, and good luck to all of you in pursuing your own art dreams!
Edit 1:
After replying to Brohawx, I felt like I should list this in the main body so it's easier for people to find so they can reference things they might want to know.
What is your favorite text book?: I think this is probably the hardest question for me to answer, but I think the one I like the most would probably be Colour and Light by James Gurney, albeit none of the examples I have posted would demonstrate the things I've learned from that, since I only recently started applying it to miniature painting as I've been trying to come to understand colour and form a little better.
What was your favorite master to study: Leonardo Da'Vinci is for sure my favourite classically trained master and he's the reason why I wanted to take up art when I was younger. Outside of Da'Vinci, I think I would say my favourite master is Anders Zorn. I also really admire gothic sculptors, just not one specific sculptor.
Who is your favorite artist: In modern digital artists I would say I do like the works of well, Marc Brunet, Paul Kwon, Adam Duff, Anthony Jones, Akihiko Yoshida and Hideo Minaba to name a few. I can't really pick one of them to say they're my absolute favourite because there's elements that they all do that I love, but if I had to choose from that list I think I would have to pick Adam Duff because his artwork tends to really lean into the gothic horror look I personally enjoy.
The College Program I mentioned being a graduate from in my Art School Journey post didn't focus on one thing in particular and would really best be described as a program that lets you learn the different elements of making video games, ranging from teaching you how to do pixel art to doing 3D modeling work, more so aimed at trying to promote graduates to pursue being indie developers. In hindsight, I learned some things I wouldn't have learned otherwise, but it did nothing to really help me grow as an artist.
The fields I'm most interested in are Concept Art, Illustration and 3D modeling/sculpting.
Edit 2:
Adding a google doc link for further reference of range which can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/9Yzoig7GdznRnxg89
Jul 17, '21
last reply
Jul 20, '21