8 days later

Very intresting house, can't say i've seen something like that before. Definitely something you would only see in dreams.

That building on top of the water is so whimsical! I love it!

That house idea is pretty awesome great creativity

Thanks guys for the kind words! I started the dream house assignment looking for industrial factories in Pinterest but was really having trouble finding good reference images, eventually near end of week I saw these front-view houses and the floating carriers and quickly tried to bash them together :joy:

First stab at pen control exercises, I struggled most on the blending exercise and will search up how to do blending better.

30 second gestures threw me off a lot, I found myself being very slow in the beginning and rushing near the last 5 seconds to get as much lines in as possible...

I couldn't accomplish all 5 characters and wasn't able to finish the 2 characters I did, will do better in the next time of doing character line arts

Nice excercices, though I don't see the cylinders for the limbs in the overlays over the photos. Those cylinders and other 3D forms are really important, as they will be the bases for anatomy and volmes. I would also recommend to try not to deform the boxes ot match the figure, I see it seems to be trying to match the overall figure, but in the long run the boxes and cylinders are intended to emulate body parts, like the rib cage, pelvis and head, wich don't stretch that much.

At this phase it's better to keep their figure rigid (bending them a bit is perfectly fine), so in later excercices you can more easily put the more fine details like bones, muscles and features more easily.

Thank you for this feedback daceronine! That makes sense, I'll work on keeping the boxes more rigid and uniform with the figure. With the cylinders I thought that was exclusive to Assignment 4 and the weekly guide kept mentioning to do Assignments 1 - 3. But I'll be adding those cylinders now tho as I agree with you how important they can be in these exercises. Being week 4, the assignments seem to be 5 (proportions) and 6 (gestures, 1 min) but next time I work on these listed assignments will do better on the skeletal constructions

Week 4 work
After watching the proportions part of the course video, built 3 sets of female and male proportions

and the Perspective work drawings of 1 point/2 point perspectives:

Will be getting ready week 5...