@mitsuki-youko I feel the same way, always good to hear from you and see your comments/what you're working on
I don't have much to show this time around, I really only have my perspective study to share with you guys. I've been pretty busy here lately. Where I work is getting ready to move our shops, so we've been painting, laying carpeting, finding furniture, and getting the old shop packed to start the move. Then I've been working on the webpage and making all the assets for that, then trying to find time for studying and taking care of my other job.
I've been sketching in the good ol' sketch book a LOT. Been doing a lot of perspective sketches and watching videos to help further my understanding of these concepts.
Then, I got a bit distracted from everything, because BREAK's beta came out and I've been making characters and writing some back stories and drawing them for fun. Never really done the whole DnD thing, so its been fun to mess around with it and make some characters with it.
Anyways, thats been my life here lately. Here's the study
With doing the characters and writing backstories, one of them I had envisioned like an ancient warrior who was imprisoned for heresy, and that basically inspired me to do a prison/hold type deal. Found a small image and then just used it for the inspiration and made tweaks where I wanted to and then got this out of it.
Had a few different versions of it, but the others got out of hand really fast and I just didn't like them at all so, this is what I landed on. I think if I color it in the future, I'd be able to do a bit more with it and be able to reduce some of the tangents just by creating more organic shapes in places and having more of a plan of what I wanted the flooring to be rather than making those decisions on the fly.
That's usually where I run into trouble is not thinking through things, but I keep reminding myself that I've really never done environment design or drawing so I'm still learning, and the more I do it and the more studies I do, the more information I'll be able to quickly call on to help with things like this.
Anyways, thats basically all I got to show at the moment, this is basically a glorified update post but thanks as always for looking and for any feedback. I am trying to take it in, just hard to remember everything. But I hope things are going well for you guys and I'm gonna try to get around here in a bit to see what people have been up to.
Thanks again!