Hi! The way you render looks fantastic! Especially the clothing (:
The only thing I can say is to maybe add a bit more color variations to the skin, maybe even some imperfections to break it up a little.
Nice work!

That demon girl looks pretty sweet! There's definitely some solid of improvement compared to your work a few months back.

Keep it up!

Awesome. If you can put it into words, I would like to hear your thoughts on how you changed your approach. Great studies. Love those hand studies a lot.

@JannaSophia Thank you. I will definitely work on it. I actually even do add those variations? but I tend to be way too subtle with them so it's barely visible. I tend to have too soft contrasts too, probably for the same reason of unconfidence. Fighting with it for a long time :joy:

@cedricgo Thank you :smile:

@malcom There isn't really that much to say. I knid of used to start with color block-in and than polish everything. But for last 8-10 month I spent a lot of time trying to improve my skills of drawing in line (it all started with all those clothed figures you can find a bit earlier in the blog). I dedicated a lot of time to that and gladly have seen at least some improvement. At least it's not that painful anymore to draw in lines without zoom :laughing: Although I diverged for a couple months to draw simplistic anime girls, just cause I felt like doing it. Somewhat helped to look at things in a more simple way, probably. So these few ladies on a black backgrounds started with a more solid drawings rather than color blobs, that's probably the difference, other than just raw improvement over time. Good drawing definitely helps to render itself. The irony is I'm planning to go back to color block-ins although with a very rough pose drawing in place. Will see how it works out :sweat_smile:

I totally get it. Having nice lines does help a lot. Anyway thanks for replying. Keep up the good work. Good hands as well.

13 days later