Hello!!, My name is Aoneko Syouta! you guys can call me Aoi or Syouta either is fine!! (not my real name) I'm a beginner artist I've just started digital drawing for 5 months now soo.... I'm quite new to the stuff I'm about to learn and my fellow classmates are learning! I really hope that i can learn and improve more with everyone here in this artschool! and also i would love to learn from all of my classmates by receiving critiques or advices from everyone!. Ohhh!!! and i would also like to meet new friends and get along with you all!!! (Ps : I might ask too many questions but please be patient with me hehehe!) (BTW Sorry if my grammar is bad since english is not really my first language lol!, for any non english speaker um... i can only speak English, Japanese, and Indonesian other than that.... WE WILL JUST USE TRANSLATE!!!. Anyway nice to meet you all!!!!!!!
As you can see my artwork is not that great most of them are just sketches and also linearts!!! BUT I WILL TRY MY BEST ON MAKING MORE!!!!! AND IMPROVING MY ART!!!
Jul 15, '22
last reply
Aug 31, '22
4 | My Journey with Gestures, with a little help from you? cubebrush.co |
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