So here is probably my last update for the year. I have challenged myself in order to monitor and check my progress. The rules were - I am not allowed to use any reference (wanted to see how much my inner library improved) and finish within one session, accepting the result as it is.
Results - OMG I hate it
More constructive thoughts:
Good things - I think my feeling for proportions has definitely improved, anatomy of the body is so much better even without looking at the reference. In all, I just wouldn't be able to draw that just from my head when I started.
Endless list of things that need more attention:
Head construction is still on a bad lvl, and needs more practice.
Face anatomy - I am partially (but only partially) pardoning myself for how bad it looks as I haven't gone past the nose with my lessons. But yeah it's bad
Shading - Has it good and bad moments, but generally, I should just do it more often to practice, and next time remember to add highlights 
Oh and I should probably also start drawing hands and feet with at least a minimal amount of detail
Hair - I am not even getting there it will chase me in my nightmares.
That's it. As much as it is a bad drawing I am better than when I started. It's something 
Any other thoughts as always welcome