
Thought this might be an interesting topic as recently I've been working on my piece for the Art War and have been finding it hard to get myself really into it, due to the fear of it turning out...rubbish, I think it's because I see so many amazing artists online and I end up comparing.

It's really dumb because I enjoy painting, and once I get started I get immersed into the painting (by the time I look at the clock 5 hours have passed xD )

Does anyone else feel like this sometimes? and does anyone have any advice how to get out of this rut?

If that's how you feel on a constant basis, then there is a mindset problem that needs to be addressed. If you care too much about how people will judge your art, you will never put out your best work. Your work will always be limited because you're thinking too much about how people will perceive the result. Whatever skill you practice in life, you have to do it for yourself first. Impressing others is a good feeling but that can't be what fuels you. Make it a mission to be better than you were yesterday. Try to impress yourself, and others will naturally be impressed.

Practice posting your stuff up online. It might be scary and some people might be dickheads about your work but once you get over that hurdle I'm sure you're gonna be free to improve much faster

Personally, it's all a result of how social media presents artists. People want to post their best works/art because that's what draws in attention and 'affection'. So, it's hard to get around the idea that artists aren't always creating things they're proud of. Art isn't about making something perfect, it's the act of creating. Like Imazzei said, it's not about other people, it's for you! Express yourself and be proud of whatever comes up, if not, be happy you finished it anyway!

Keep in mind that the 'good' artist's got that way by doing art. Keep drawing, keep painting, keep refining your skill base and knowledge pool and keep critiquing. Motivation will always be hard to come by until you've given your soul to art, because chances are there's something funner and easier out there to do than beating your head against a wall with the hopes of improving yourself. Unless your a masochist, than blessed be you.

I would say:
Stop comparing yourself to other artists. They are where they are, in their own
artistic journey. Try to focus more on your own journey, see all the new
possibilities you can bring to your art thanks to this challenge. It's a
competition for yourself with yourself! Don't bother too much about other's
If it helps, you can stop looking at entries and focus on your art only till you finish it
and you're satisfied with it and you think you can move on to something else.

Writing that, I feel like art is over all, selfish before it becomes something we share.

Going to have to echo don't really dwell on others entries some people might just straight up stop working on them, it happens for many reasons.

I really like the little dude you've made, if you feel anything is lacking take some time to level your knowledge on that subject up and when you feel comfortable get back on the horse.

Life does that to us I suppose to test our resolve or we do it to ourselves to see if we really love what we are doing.

I'd say make the piece you want and love if your happy screw everyone else, there will always be someone hating under their breathe there is no dodging that, it is just how some people are.
Just be sure your giving it your all so when it is all done you can at least be happy with what you end up with.

I commented on your entry before this and is till enjoy the little dude, looking forward to whatever you decide to do in this challenge.

Best of luck.

P.s. don't feel too bad I have to start from scratch again 3rd times the charm, at least i hope so. :wink: