Welcome Niro! That's quite a journey! Can't wait to see your progress
I really like these creatures

Welcome to the forums. Nice weapon and monster designs.

Hey you've got a good idea about a lot of things

Can't wait to see your new work


Really great progress so far! Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Neat, cheering u in the future for landing the job you dream of.

Concept art brings ideas to life, transforming imagination into visual reality. It's the foundation of creative storytelling in games, movies, and design.

these look amazing! I love how you shade the metallic crystal! its SO satisfying to look at!

Concept art brings ideas to life, transforming imagination into visual reality. It's the foundation of creative storytelling in games, movies, and design.

Welcome to the forums!! Really impressive skills you got already, looking forward to see how far you go! And thanks for the video recommendation, just watched and it really opened my eyes.

FZD channel has lots of great content I used to just listen to the Design Cinema epsiodes while drawing!

Concept art brings ideas to life, transforming imagination into visual reality. It's the foundation of creative storytelling in games, movies, and design.

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