Name: Nair

Team: Sci-fi

Hi guys, I know this is a super late entry. Truth is, I forgot about this contest back when it was announced, and then I got super busy. And now I have about a week to wrap it all up. Alright, let's do this. I'm a beginner at the creative process, but I hope I can get better at this.

21/02/2017 - I knew I wanted to go with a sci-fi character, but I didn't have a concrete idea of what I wanted to do. Then without any preliminary tests, I conjured up this girl right here.

I wasn't very happy because she looked more like a hip-hop dancer than an ultimate sci-fi hero, so I added up some good old IV tubes, bioluminiscent freckles and glowy hand things, and I feel like I'm getting somewhere.

23/02/2017 - I did some concepts of her outfit, minus the backpack and the tubes. I realy wanted to get a sci-fi look and do some variations so I could take my favorite parts of each one and mix them. I was heavily inspired by Tron and took some very loose inspiration from Borderlands.

Very cute! I like the small details like the patch on her knee :heart_eyes:

Love thea attitude of the character. Keepu up the good work and have fun! :smiley:

I tested several outfits and finally decided to get done on a final one (9). Sadly, it just wasn't clicking with me, so I decided on something very different (10) and I ended up having too much fun.

Some tests I did for the legs. I was unsure between robotic legs or biological, so the last one was a solution I came up with. I am satisfied with it and it might be the final design. The backpack/glowy tube still needs some work of course.

I came up with a basic backstory to go with her design.

In this world, there are two sentient races: humans and demons. These demons are nothing of the supernatural kind, but instead are a mix of biological parts with technological ones. No one knows if they were a race who experimented on themselves by constantly adding robotic upgrades until their original form was unrecognizable, or if they were created by someone. They are theoretically immortal, being able to replace their biological organs with organs grown in a lab, and naturally producing a liquid which allows their cells to never reject their prosthetics. Most demons choose to not mingle with humans and live in communities on the outskirts of human cities. Cy was abandoned as a baby in such a community. She had severe organ failure, and the demons saved her the only way they knew how, by replacing her failing parts. For her body to accept the replacements, they needed to inject her with the liquid they naturally produced. Most humans died with the liquid's toxicity, but she survived and grew up with the demons, who invented a contraption that allowed her to take the liquid with her instead of needing daily injections.

The liquid is what causes some of her freckles to glow. It's also useful (and dangerous) because it's highly toxic when in contact with surfaces like skin, and corrosive on certain metals, making it useful to fight robots or melt door knobs. Cy only survived this long with that stuff in her body because of her upgrades.

I always liked the idea of a character raised by robots. Well in this case not quite robots, but I hope you like it anyway.

After 3 hard days for my poor eyes, I finished the concept sheet.

Now I can concentrate solely on the illustration, which is going to be a lot of fun, mostly because I have less than two days.

First draft of the illustration. I wanted to make some less badass and more clumsy, because I think it fits the character and because I'm not experienced with dynamic poses and time is running short

Final illustration. The shadows and texture needed a lot more work, but it's not bad for someone who never draws rooms. The "epic" battle happening outside was reduced to sketch, but I hope people can understand. Also, I hope you like it.

This is really nice! It's unique in the sense it gives of a feel of an interesting world built around this image rather than blend future. I love that even though the contest was about presenting a warrior to battle you chose a resting position to depict the character, it's a very interesting choice.

Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it

Thank you, I was having trouble getting a good battle position, so I guess I'm going for originality points