Team - Sci-fi
Name - Danny Frank
Email -
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Instagram - @.dzzy.
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So I discovered Art War a recently so i'm a little late to the game, but I thought why not jump in! So I decided that I wanted to take my art handle (dzzy) and personify him. This isn't meant to be an alter ego of my self or anything like that, but instead a way to explore my ideas of portraying the supernatural from a more scientific or technical rather then mythical standpoint. So I present: D Z Z Y , the human "poltergeist". I wanted to approach the idea of paranormal activity and possession from a more scientific stand point; like using gravity destabilization, magnetic pulls and pushes, electrical pulses and thermal radiation as a way of how dzzy is like a human poltergeist.

Let me know what you guys think!!

More too come!!

So to start off I compiled a reference board with what I wanted Dzzy to embody, that being a paranormal cyborg kinda vibe.
-to start I really drew insporation from fallen heroes and anti heroes like the Arkham Knight and Rorschach
-along with that I really took a lot of inspo from "ghost signatures" (basically the same idea as ink blots) and I wanted to incorparate that into his overall design.

Let me know what you guys think!!

-image credits-
-tall image next to Arkham Knight @kingsmustrise (Instagram)
-upper left corner: Mihail Vasilev
-bottom left corner: @megan_massacre (Instagram)

Idea seems interesting : D vould love to see some stuff from you! And good luck!

So I attempted some ghost signatures without the use of a fountain pen so they turned into basically vertical rorschach blots.. But overall i do like the positive and negative shapes to work with, i'll probably do some more later on with a proper pen but for now I am using these as rough bases to design Dzzy's helmet interface.

So from the ink blots I made I started roughing out the interface of the helmet and overall silhouette of his head since that is the focal point of his overall design.

I'm still not sure if any of these are what I want to take further but I'm going to keep messing around!

-also as a side note it was totally not my intention to make Dzzy look like the child of Rorschach and the Arkham Knight lol

Let me know what you guys think!

Its looking interesting. Maybe to give that ghostly feeling these ears could smoke... or the top of the head?

I like that idea! I think I wanna play with like some sort of like smoke ripple effect in his helmet if I have time!

Cool! Can´t wait to see what you come up with!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, school has been really hectic!
Anyway here are some quick roughs of Dzzy's outfit design. I'm leaning toward the second one the most so far, but I'm not quite sure yet.

More to come!

Despite the massive crunching, I was not able to get my character illustration as well as the back to my overall design finished and I am aware that will probably exclude me from consideration. But I did want to post the things I did finish! Overall I am happy with how Dzzy turned out! (despite the crude helmet placement in the full body drawing) I learned a lot about myself and how I develop my characters through the progression of this contest and it has been a fun to see everyone's characters grow and change into beautiful end results! It's been fun! Good luck to everyone going forward!!

He's got an interesting armor. :wink: It reminds me a little bit the design of armor in game Warframe. So sorry you wasn't able to do Illustration for your character. :pensive:

Really cool that you still posted your character design! It looks awesome. Nevers seen that kind of outfit on any character.

I had a look at your web and instragram... cool! Keep learning, drawing and have fun!