Name : Hugo Alejandro Molano
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Hello My name is Hugo i'm a graphic designer and video game artist,
work in both 2D and 3D and hope to get a piece for each of the

After reading the review and the rules, especially the paragraph "The
most epic create champion the art world has ever seen" My mind started
to fly with an epic hero using graphical tools to master the art world!

I imagine a world with certain rules, a video game rules, where our
champion progresses adding tools to his arsenal, as a magic wand,
pencil, eraser (etc) as level goes up and facing the "BOSSES" world

Heads that could be how The Symmetry, A vanishing point, Cannon Man, or even the Golden ratio!! among others.

I have not yet resolved the name of our hero in question, but this is the concept behind, and begin to develop the idea in 2D