Taylor Taekwon Lee

Hello friends! I guess I am a late starter of this challenge, however I'd love to see how my character will be created in end of this challenge.
First, I am going to create a fantasy character who use mystical magic. The name of my character is HEX who battle with his enemy with stylish magical power. In my fantasy world, there are high technology as well as gun (but not too Sci-Fi), however nothing can beat magic.

Alright, let me start with the body form concept of my character:

And then, here is a face exploration:

Nice! this is cool already :laughing: I liked the one with what seems an eye tatto between the eyes. Good luck!

Cool flying heads :grinning: I like maya-tattoo one

Nice development sheets! From the drawn heads I like the first one. He looks very different from others.

Haha, thats where I was in the begining. It was hard to find the right face, but there is not much time left. Maybe work on the armor and body for a while and then take the face that suits best with the idea? Thats how I did, and finally found the head design that was ok.

Looks great! Cool character. Keep it up!

I love the face design, very good job!

this is gonna be the final version of concept part, and i hope to make in time of finishing the illustration :frowning:
Moreover, I changed some of the elements from the black/white concept step, because those are unnecessary and repeating a design shape

p.s. I dont want to spam the thread but I hate using thread

I forgot to post this, it was some another idea of the portrait of my character in the beginning.
I aint gonna put cigar on my character since its against the fantasy in my thought

cool stuff :smile: Really like the concept character, the rendering is great ! the paper texture and the gloves researchs look very clean and professional too !

Lol, it's looking great, keep it up!