So I guess it is my part to participate on the art war. When I saw the competition requirements I wasn't really inspired but I won't let this contest slip pastme without participating. I know I stand no chance, the prices will attract elite artist that know what they're doing and are a lot better than me and I don't see the slightest chance for me to win anything.

Anyways, I'll go with the Fantasy theme as I do have a lot more experience in the field, but still haven't discovered every aspect of it and there's still a lot more to try. I am a sucker for backgrounds so the final polished image might look horrendous due to me being unable to position a tree with a person near it.

Let the WAR begin!

A first exploration sketch. This is not by any means the final concept, I just thought of the word "FANTASY" and drew something that came to my mind.

Looks very interesting! I'm curious what you come up with. :wink:

Amazing concept considering you just let your inner mind do the work and imagining at the same time, Can't wait to see more :smile:

8 days later

Nice armor design, pretty cool lines and flow! I love it keep it up! :smile:

Hey, this is pretty awesome! I really like the harmony of the design and the flow of the pieces!
That pose tho... she looks like she's leaning on the bent leg and that can't be good. You might wanna try to ground her a bit better, make the pose more solid ^з^

This style is so cute. I really have a crush on designs like that. Look forward to see more updates. I would only be more careful with the anatomy and positioning of the body before doing the painting itself.
I do not know if you already do this or not, but try to reflect the whole painting as you draw to see those errors that the eye gets used to with time.