Okay those silver steel metals are insanely good! It looks so sharp haha! :smiley: I also like the black wings and the black lips, really says a lot about her! :smile: Although I dont really feel like shes floating, maybe add a bit of flying loose feathers spiraling around her, that'd be cool so people would know shes flying. Just a weird suggestion haha :smile:

@Kreyhardt thanks! ^-^ I will do some more doodles to figure out her personality a bit more for now i wanted her to look somewhat sassy.
I will consider your suggestion with the feathers ^-^

I think you should consider rearranging the plates on her left foot, seems like the metal's bending. Just an input! good luck :smile:

@GreyHound i added another plate so that it looks like she can bend her foot more, ty for the advise!

I love the design of Nattravnan, may I know what's the two horn-like thing on her head? Is that Horns?
I think the angle of her feet is suggesting a standing pose, If you'd like her to look like floating, try to make her feet angled down. :smile:

Look for environment arts, find what you like and just choose a part there, be inspired :smile:

Really cool,
One thing what is the story here? I was looking quickly through the thread and didn't see or catch any hints of one.

If the beast near her isn't her friend she could be fighting that, that or she could be striking the final blow.
I can see some sort of volcano type scene with a cave hole she is trying to get to that the serpent is guarding.

Hope that helps.

@Kreyhardt thank you a lot! I did look up splash art from league of legends which inspired me to do this and I think for my first attempt at doing a composition like this its turning out pretty nice ^-^
@borjengoh she has four horns, two big ones and two small ones. I won't reposition her, I really like the movement the pose has, it makes her feel more alive even though it might not be perfectly correct, but I'll take anatomy flaws any day over a flat image without movement
@zyp I will update her story once the consept sheet's done. She's actually partly the tamer of that raven monster whilst also being a sword fighter.