Hey y'all.
Back with another update! So I took @berrysquare's feed back to heart and went even further. Modifying the comp I posted the other day wasn't working so a gave it a severe overhaul and I think it's much better now. I just wish I didn't take me the whole weekend to get it working, hahaha.
I'm still struggling with it (WTF, her legs), but it still has the feel I wanted from the first comp while having a lot more action and drama in it. As far as atmospheric perspective goes, my values are all over the place, so I'm gonna be fixing those tomorrow.
One other plus, reworking the composition helped me scale it back a fair bit. I no longer need to worry about rendering additional characters in the scene.
When I wasn't beating myself over the head trying to figure this composition out, I also tried my hand at making the layout for my final submission.
I need to put some actual final art there and it still needs a bit more clean up here and there, I'm feeling pretty good about it.