Thank you for the contest Cubebrush! I am basically a traditional artist, new to digital art, also new here, so this is gonna be ... new to me!

Anyway, I am with team fantasy. My heroine is Supernova, she is a goddess and here goes her story so far:

"Possessing the power of a hundred suns, she lived all by herself at the edge of the universe. After billions of years and having seen all, she evolved, and acquired the ability to control both matter and time. People looked at her in awe and named her black hole. They thought she was a stellar object (people can be blind to what they cannot understand). If only they knew what was hiding beyond the co-called "event horizon"!

But in 2017 something happened. Something that made her leave her special spot in the universe and travel towards earth - her favourite planet by the way. She had to put an end to the war and show everyone her true self. (Especially those sci-fi freaks who claimed they could control matter themselves. Pffff!!!)

These are the references I gathered so far.

Not sure what Shepard is doing here, I just like the mood!