Hello all!

Topic: Sci-fi

Name: Mary Sullivan
Email: drawsandtales@gmail.com
Site: https://www.artstation.com/artist/drawsandtales
Instagram & Twitter: marykyart

My hero is Tylo- the idea being he is a child, he's powerful, and he's somehow a remnant of what once was, or what is often missed- something that contrasts with a sci-fi society that is maybe somehow lost in all the technology. My theme is sci-fi, but as you can see from the monk references I want some idea of a spirituality, mysticism, or mythology maybe in the midst of a arid environment with touches of cyberpunk. Perhaps a loner little monk in the desert who is a powerful force when needed. His over all theme for me is simplicity. Why he's alone, who knows. I am not sure I want to reveal that myself.

I'm still working on details, I am largely trying to visualize or figure out the impression in my head. I am having particular difficulty with deciding what I want for a weapon. I kind of want it to be like a staff, but at the same time I am still trying to work out how it may be connected to or charged by the pack on his back.

Maybe I'll give him a cute fluffy sidekick/pet... maybe a fox bat thing with a mechanical wing.. maybe Tylo saved it and built the wing- for a monk he's rather tech savvy.

These are some initial sketches and my favorites references so far.

I found out about this challenge a bit late- and I am about to move, but this hero popped into my head right away so I want to try to visualize him.

I'd looooooove critique/suggestions!

It reminds me of Ang from Avatar: The Last Air Bender a lot. He was a boy monk with a pet that was a lemur bat thing named Momo.

Yeah definitely an Aang vibe, which is not a bad thing. If it's sci-fi themed maybe look at giving his staff more mechanical elements.

Looks interesting ! I agree with the Aang vibe too, which is funny because i'm rewatching it right now xD

Reminded me a bit of the star wars too; because of the religious side of the force
Anyway nice sketches too :wink: #teamSciFi \ :grinning:/

Thanks! And ahhh! This and the Aang comments! I mean it's cool- I LOVE those guys, but I'm going to have to be careful it seems. Heh, maybe I am what I love in this case and it's showing...

I do love Aang, so I guess what I love is showing... which is cool, but I'll have to be careful it seems. I want to definitely mechanic-size his staff/weapon, I haven't worked out how yet. I'm thinking it's a sort of gun or something that somehow uses energy of some kind from his pack, while acting at the same time as a staff and spear. I like the simpler stuff I drew, but I am thinking I may have to add some gun-like elements.