Hello there! My name is Salma, I'm 18 years old and a first year student in Digital Art. I found out about this contest through Ahmed Aldoori's youtube channel. This is my first competition, I really liked this one, because I love both Sci-fi and Fantasy. I have few concepts floating about in my head for both categories, but I'm yet to choose. I'm mainly taking part in this, to increase my experience, and improve my skills in character design.

So I've always been interested in speed and time travel, which I guess would fit in the Sci-fi category. Moreover, in terms of the character's personality, I'd go to an anti-hero vibe; a hero but struggling with something, that causes them to be a little evil. The look, would be half robot-like and half human-like, with time master goggles (if that's a thing, if not then I have an idea of what they look like). I feel like this is coming from me thinking about, the flash, savitar, alchemy, reverse flash, rip hunter, and perhaps dr who as well. Anyways this is still the very beginning stage, and I'm very excited to be taking part in this.

Social Links
Instagram: @anakintrashwalker & @salmaelenin
Tumblr: artsy444 & artsy444doesstuff

Goodluck to everyone!