I like them all, that shoe design i played with myself on my 3D entry, amazed actually to see someone else come up with it. :smile:
With yours though you thickened the plate on the bottom while mine was flat to the heel.
Just cool to see is all.

I like the 3rd one as well for simplicity sake, the far right shoe looks good also. Nice work, don't forget to add portfolio and info? if you want to anyway.

Nice designs, I personally like the second one :smile:

hey, thx amigo.^^ i gues we both have some influence from weird from haute couture and lady gaga outfits..hehehe

Nice rendering, I am enjoying seeing the process broken out in steps, keep it up.

8 days later

Good job! If i can suggest anything, the tornado seem to start from her heel, im not sure you meant it.

15 days later